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I won’t bore you with a biographical introduction like who Vincent Van Gogh is, when he was born or when he died. If you are able to read this article, you have internet connection. You can find this information online. Show some effort.


I’ll try to explain something else about Van Gogh as well as I can. Faithlessness…

Let’s get straight to the point before going into history. Our famous painter… He might be famous now but he was a poor man back then. Isn’t it always like this anyway? Everything becomes more valuable when they are gone, including people… Anyway… This poor painter painted a painting called Prisoners Exercising (Prisoners’ Round). Have your tea and coffee before we review the picture below. This matter is deep, you will need time to understand it.


Prisoners Exercising (Prisoners' Round)

Prisoners Exercising (Prisoners’ Round)


Our guy Van Gogh painted this painting after he cut off his ear.  He had been through so much. Who knows what kinds of problems he had. When a person is feeling lost, he can cut off his ear, or leg.

This guy is spinning around in a vortex of pessimism like a snake eating its tail, with 37 prisoners. Right there, right in the middle, there is someone looking at us. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Superman! Of course not, this is none other than Van Gogh himself.


Van Gogh - Prisoners Exercising (Prisoners' Round)

Van Gogh – Prisoners Exercising


Van Gogh is saying, “I have entered a vortex, pessimism has taken over me, I am aware of everything, I will never be free”. Would putting a man who is trapped inside, between four walls make a difference?


Yes, Van Gogh was aware of everything when he painted this painting. Just because he was in a mental institution did not mean he was crazy. Besides, there are more lunatics out there. Sane people are in mental institutions.  He is looking at us so beautifully, he is aware of everything but he knows he cannot change anything.  I don’t know if he also knew that this situation led him into an irresistible depression… All I know is how sad the result was when the most important element of such a genius was missing. What is this important element? Faith…

When you look carefully at the wall, you will see white butterflies symbolizing hope.


Analyse of Prisoners Exercising


He has some hope or his hopes are trapped inside these high walls. Van Gogh ended his life some time after painting this painting. Yes, unfortunately, he committed suicide, so we cannot pray for his soul but we can learn important lessons. When Van Gogh went from this mortal life to eternal life in the worst possible way, he was 37. Wait a minute, did you say 37? There are also 37 people in the painting? 37 prisoners, symbolizing 37 years. These paintings may be worth millions of dollars today. When this poor man was alive, he could only sell one painting in the -in his own words- ”37 years of his life in which he was a prisoner”. For very cheap, too.


In a letter to his brother Theo, he says: “I cannot take it, Theo! I can’t stand how hard this life is. I’m painting all the time to forget, but I can’t! I can’t find a cure for the never-ending whispers and screams in my ear. I can’t resist it and I’m afraid of hurting myself.” The original is given below.


Van Gogh's letter to his brother Theo

Van Gogh’s letter to his brother Theo

Oh, you poor guy. You are aware of everything but lack of one element took you away from us. If faithlessness captures a body, the end is always a disappointment, even if the mind that body carries is at the level of genius. Believing is in human nature. The Creator created people in the most beautiful way, even the phrase “the most beautiful” is not enough to explain it. A person cannot live without faith, even if they do, they live a life like Van Gogh, feeling trapped.

I’ve only used the word “faith” so far. It’s your business what you believe in. But believing is in human nature, the important thing is ”how”. What do you believe in and “how” do you cherish this belief? If you put 37 “supposedly unbelieving” people on a plane and the plane starts falling from 37,000 feet, 37 of them would believe in something before they are 33,000 feet high, I’m not necessarily talking about the belief “Allah” is “Absolute Power“, I’m talking about belief and faith itself: Some of these 37 people would believe in the plane at that moment, some would believe in the Sun. Some can even believe in an ox and some of them would believe in the seat they are sitting on. The important thing is what you believe in and how. No matter how smart and successful you are, you are DOOMED to live like a ”prisoner” until you have faith truly!


Whose Leash are they Holding?



السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا۟ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ قَالُوٓا۟ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ

When they are told, “Do not spread corruption in the land,” they reply,
“We are only peace-makers!”

Al-Baqarah 2:11

أَلَآ إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ ٱلْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَـٰكِن لَّا يَشْعُرُونَ

Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive

Al-Baqarah 2:12

The appearance of Dajjal is close by and Rasulullah ﷺ taught us of that time which will come to pass, and Allah knows best the exact time and location.

As Shepherds of our flock, we must educate our families on the arrival of Dajjal and how Rasulullah ﷺ has taught us to prepare for that eventuality. It’s absolutely key and pivotal that this preparation is cemented in the ummah.

Do not be fooled with what has been showcased and highlighted in the last 24 hours on our TV screens and the ticker tocker world.

Seek the wider picture and find the story behind the story. The front headlines are simply that, a front, sections of the Believers are working, hand in hand with the Unbelievers to deceive the world and the greatest deceiver is yet to arrive.

In which era of War does an enemy allow time for its opponent to prepare in advance for an imminent attack?

Yes, finally somebody stood up to the tyrant, the oppressor, we should ask ourselves, did Rasulullah ﷺ tell the Quraish where they would be positioned before Badr?

Where the Sahaba were placed before Uhud?

Was a message sent to Abu Süfyan where the Khandaq would be built?

They will continue to condemn every Believer who speaks the truth and Haqq but will not echo any sentiment when the tyrant pushes the boundaries.

We must prepare our children and future generations of what is coming down the road, do not lose hope as Allah has promised the victory, and the limits of the tyrants and oppressors is reaching that line where there is no return.

We may not have an army today, as the duniya has deceived us, but let’s at least prepare a future generation that will bring back nobility and honour to the Believers.

In the end, you will either be a Believer or Unbeliever.

And Allah knows best.


”Written By: Imran Ahmed”


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The state of the elderly couple in their eighties, in the courtroom was heartbreaking. The man, stubbornly, was examining the silent old woman’s exhausted eyes, which were deeply hollowed from crying. The judge said to the old woman with a rich voice:

– Tell us, aunt, why do you want a divorce?
After taking a deep breath, the old woman held her headscarf and began to speak in a hoarse voice.
– Enough of what this man did to me! For fifty years, he has sickened me… I want a divorce.

Then a long silence prevailed in the courtroom… One of the journalists who made such news headlines every day broke the silence by taking a picture. Who knows what kind of headlines they’d make for a 50-year relationship? Many journalists were watching the case… What was she going to say? Everyone was listening to her. The old woman’s eyes were filled with tears and she continued to speak:

– We had a lunaria that I loved very much… He wouldn’t remember… It happened 50 years ago. I grew that flower by seedling a leaf that I plucked from the flowers he gave me. We didn’t have a baby so I saw them as my babies. After a while, the flower started to dry. That’s when I took a vow. I said that I would water it with a bowl of water every night before the sun came up… They said it would be good for it. It’s been 50 years, and this guy hasn’t gotten up and watered the flower even once. Until the other night… That night, I fell asleep out of fatigue… This is the man I’ve spent 50 years with. I put my life, my hope, everything in him. I didn’t get anything from him. All I wanted was for him to get up for once and water my flower… But he didn’t. I’m better off without him, I swear.

The judge turned to the old man and said:
– What do you have to say about it, father?
The old man went to the stand with a cane, with a shy expression of being accused, and turned to the judge. He spoke one by one:

– I served as a gardener in the Presidency Mansion. I worked hard to flourish that garden in a glorious way. That’s where I met my Fadime. And pearls… I gave her bouquets of the most beautiful flowers. At the beginning of our marriage, I took her to the doctor because her neck was hurting. The physician said that if she sleeps without waking up for a long time, she’ll suffer arthritis of the neck and her condition will deteriorate. He said that she should interrupt her sleep every night and walk around. She didn’t listen much to the physician… She didn’t listen to me either… What a coincidence, the flower started to dry back then. I told her, “If you water the flower at night, it will come alive again.” She took a vow… I woke her up every night and I watched her. I watched the woman I love watering the flowers as if they are her children. Every night I felt like I was that flower… I got up every night after she slept. I emptied the water in the pot. Lunaria does not like to be watered at night, Your Honor… And the other night… Aging… I couldn’t wake up either. I couldn’t wake her up… The flower would have been dehydrated, but my woman’s neck pain would have gone bad again. I was accused… I couldn’t say anything… It’s your call, Your Honor.

At that moment, everyone in the courtroom, including journalists, was left in tears…


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Everything you are going to read is about the future of world. Please do not approach the subject if you are going to remind us ayahs from Neml and Jinn surahs without knowing the secret of ayahs. Click on the red sign at the right and let’s not see each other again. We will continue with those who are trying to get involved in the secret of Shams surah.

Only Allah can know the Al-Ghaib, but with the science that Allah granted us with, some incidents can be foreseen. Ages ago, people didn’t know when it was going to rain, but now, we can see when it’s going to rain on our phones. For example, people didn’t know if the baby was going to be a boy or a girl but now, we can find it out. This is science. Only Allah knows what is going to happen after 7 hours and 7 minutes, this is unknown for us. But we can figure what’s going to happen to a country after 7 years and 7 months, this is the undecided future. Scholars like Muhyiddin-i Arabi were deeply interested in this science, and our source is already the blessing itself.
Let’s take those who have narrow points of view outside…
And let’s dance with those who are left.

Nafs has 7 degrees. Nafs-i Emmare, Nafs-i levvame, Nafs-i mulhime, Nafs-i mutmainne, Nafs-i razıyye, Nafs-i merdıyye and Nafs-i kamile. A person who has the third degree, Nafs-i Mulhime can get inspiration from Allah. For example, he might give up on getting on an elevator when he was about to. He gives up, and the electricity gets cut-off. Even the third degree Nafs can take inspiration, imagine the 7th degree.

It’s not only for people, Allah-u Zulcelal reveals it for the bees as well. To design a honeycomb to take up the least space and get the most honey, you need to make it hexagonal. Get a pen and a paper, test all the shapes except for the hexagon. You will see that it is the best shape. How could a little bee learn this? Who taught this to them? Did they graduate from Oxford and learn this from John Nash?

Hadhrat Muhyiddin-i Arabi lived in the years of Hijri 560-638, Gregorian 1165-1240 and he was one of the most important scholars of Andalusia. He was a scholar beyond time and he was a jewel that people didn’t realize. He predicted incidents in future in his book, Anka-yi Mugrib. The most important subject was the codes he gave out about the Ottoman. Ottoman which was founded in 1299 was the most rightful state in history. In this book, there are codes about the state which was founded after 59 years of his death and hidden details. We should also talk about the famous seer Nostradamus. He read the book of Muhyiddin-i Arabi and he predicted some things after being inspired by it. And the reason why he is so famous is because he is a Westerner. He doesn’t have any other special things. Let’s get back to our subject…

Hashim Baba

Such a long introduction was necessary to understand or be able to understand this subject. We are just starting our main topic. The subject that I want to talk to you about is the book of Hadhrat Hashim Baba Celveti, Anka-yı Mashrık. Hashim Baba also sent salaams to Muhyiddin-i Arabi with this book. In fact, the source of inspiration was Muhyiddin-i Arabi.

Hashim Baba was a very important person with deep knowledge who lived in Hijri 1130-1197, Gregorian 1718-1783. His books were confiscated because they were misprinted just like Muhyiddin-i Arabi’s books and today the original version is in the Istanbul Central Library in the manuscript form, which will be the source of the subject we will be dealing with in this article. Hashim Baba does not have a single book in libraries, only his original manuscript is open to public. Anyone can go and read it, write it down, and then analyze it.

Hashim Baba’s Anka-yi Mashrik book consists couplets, it is not plain text. He hid his messages in poems encrypted with double lines, but some of the codes are obvious. It delivers the message directly. There is no password to be decrypted. Let’s take a look at some of them now.

‘‘Istanbul-based Islam Unity will be established. Istanbul will be the base of it and it will be controlled from Hagia Sophia”. Do not be confused, it is not the Islam unity we have today. They are just called Islam. This unity will be a unity which lives according to Islam and do justice to their name.

The break up of European Union. A country will betray this union in Europe and for us, that country is still in betrayal because it is soon for this union to be divided. One of the most important reasons for this break up will be this country’s betrayal. After that betrayal, the process will start.

Poland will be the financial base of European Union. Who knows, maybe the country who will betray is Poland? Give a break at this moment and analyze Poland’s economical datas. You will see that they have been rising like a rocket since 2017. By the way, Hashim Baba doesn’t directly refer to Poland. He said Lehistan, which is now called Poland.

Hagia Sophia will make a magnificent opening for the second time and will become the center of the world in terms of science. Do not be confused, there is no such thing as closing and reopening. As Necip Fazil mentioned in his poem, “Whatever is in its vaults, windows, symbols will be opened by lifting its curtains and covers”. This will be a spiritual opening. It will not only become a religious center but also a scientific center, and it will gain it’s former identity. There will be Hagia Sophia Madrasa. It is very interesting that Hashim Baba said it here for the second time. As you know, after the Hagia Sophia was converted into a museum, it was opened to worship on Friday, July 24, under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Hashim Baba had already predicted this and specifically mentioned it for the second time. The Islamic Unity, which we mentioned at first, becomes the center after this second opening.

A disorder will take part in Kosovo. Kosovo will seek help from Islam Unity. An enormous army led by Turkey will get in Kosovo and provide peace. This will be the first conquest of Islam Unity.

Islam Unity will become stronger with the conquest of Kosovo and Western Rome will also be conquered. Mediterrenean will be under Turk-Islam Unity’s control. Stop at this point, and make a research. They are making history in Mediterrenean. Well, the media doesn’t write anything understandable about it, but you should read between the lines. Read how the French ran away from Turks, how Macron cryingly complained about Turkey to NATO, how NATO did something that they would never do and acknowledged Turkey to be right, how Israel accepted every demand of Turkey about Mediterrenean… When you make a research, you will see that the process has already started. Hashim Baba foresaw that the Mediterrenean would be under the control of Turk-Islam Unity.

A pill will be fabricated in Bulgaria. This pill will repair the organs and let people live longer.

Great developments will take part in 2023 but big incidents will happen in Saudi Arabia.

People in crowds from all around the world will believe in the true religion Islam. After that, the central of Islam Unity will be carried to Venice from Istanbul. Venice will be the first centre, Istanbul will be the second and Damascus will be the third one. Before Damascus becomes the third base, Syria will join Turkey.

All of the Balkans will convert to Islam.

Arabs will have three phases. A group will show up in the third phase. They will call themselves ”Inviters” but their actual mindset and plans will be exposed later on.

When Dajjal takes action, Muslim lands will be invaded and some of them will change the governance.

Allah knows the best. Not a single leaf can move without His consent, not one fly can move it’s wings.


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