Kurulus Osman
Aygul has been on quite a journey, and her character is unique, probably one we have really seen grow, develop and transform.
She has always been loyal to Osman, even in the first episode of season 1 where she rather be under the knife herself than give Osman away. Things obviously didn’t turn out as she had hoped, and her heartbreak led her to making some poor decisions.
Having Dundar as your father and Zohra as your mother, didn’t exactly help the poor girl! Her actions were understandable too be fair. She turned against Osman, but she was still loyal and cared about her tribe, hence why she threw the veil and stopped the fight between the Kayi tribe and Alisar’s men. Even when Alisar slapped her, she didn’t regret her action. She brilliantly then coordinated Alisar’s men when they were being attacked, again showing strong leadership skills, even though she was fighting on the wrong side, but of course she didn’t know this at the time.
Her acting was superb and touching when she found out the truth about Alisar, and that he had killed her brother, Batur. The utter shock, pain and grief led her to lose her mind, she acted brilliantly and as an audience, we could really feel her raw emotions.
Then in season 2, we were introduced to a different Aygul. A newly trained warrior who had been on a painful journey, and was suffering from mental health issues. She was also struggling to accept or bond with her baby. Again, these issues are relevant to the times we are living and so many modern day people can perhaps relate to the grief, discomfort and pain she showed.
Under the tutelage of Selcan Hatun, support of Osman and Bala, and as the episodes progressed, we started seeing Aygul heal and transform. Healing takes time and one has to be in the right environment, and she found that. Through fighting, she was able to release her anger and channel her negative energy, and through the support of Selcan and Bala, she was able to find emotional companionship. Now she has met Cerkutay, her match and it’s endearing to see their relationship develop.
The other thing I would like to highlight is that Aygul’s role as afemale warrior gives us a good portrayal of what it is like for females to go into battle alongside the men. This is something we know the female companions of the Prophet ﷺ used to do. Many fought alongside , and even Protected the Beloved ﷺ (Sayyida Nusayba radiAllah anha for example). Therefore is it wonderful and inspirational to see Bozdag bring this Prophetic characteristic into the series.
Aygul’s character is relatable to many different people I think, and the actress has done a phenomenal job. Yes, I do think sometimes she overacts a little and we have seen some unrealistic scenes such as taking down a whole bunch of Byzantine warriors singlehandedly, but hey these are minor things which do not take away the greatness of her character.
I think we are in for more surprises yet, whether she existed in history or not, but Aygul’s character is definitely an asset to the show. She is one of my favourite characters.

Kurulus Osman
Kurulus Osman team again did a good job. Just like the appearance of a Sheppard in episode 76 was a smooth and heart touching but, full of devotion and strength event. So was the arrest of Sheikh Edabali in episode 77. Only a few levels greater. A man of his stature did not lie to save himself from dungeon and held his grounds. That was epic and depicts how Ottomans real spirit was and where they got their strength from. I would reiterate that Faith, devotion, character, and selflessness was the reason that Osman was able to bring a scattered nation into a huge powerful empire.
Role of his companions and elders was admirable. Their love for each other is beautifully depicted in the scenes when Osman visits his sick Alp before even going to visit his pregnant wife, whoo is his first true love. Such a passionate, full of empathy leader is always loved not only by his people but by all knowing ultimate supreme power, Allah Subhan watt Allah.
This episode was comparatively gentler and had a delicate touch too. Turgut and Marie’s wedding and before that exchange of dialogue between Osman and Kosses were the highlight of Muslim tradition.
Gundoz and Osman’s brawl was a humane touch too. As was Sheikh’s disciple protecting him from the torture by throwing himself on Sheik Edabali when Wazir Alem shah’s goon starts his lashing.
This episode was full of struggles and fights with bit less intensity. It could be because Osman bey came out of Inegol unharmed and accomplished or because it had a few romantic scenes between Turgut and Marie or Cherkuty and crazy girl. Even Shekh Edabali is released without much harm, Kunor and Kosses are one step forward to learning Osman bey better to make an alliance with him. All in all it was bit relaxed, with a good clifhanger that left us all wondering how it will end with Osman bey and Wazir under his sharp sword.
History is my favorite subject and Kurlos Osman has brought it all as a reality to enjoy it in picture. Hard to wait for the next one.
Written by: Romana Nisar.
Kurulus Osman
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 76 Review by Romana Nisar.
This Historic drama team deserves a round of applause for bringing the important characters of History to light. Making all those participants in the building of Ottoman Empire seen and felt in 21st century.
The way Osman thinks and then persues his plans is unparallel to any other drama. He was seriously wounded but did not lose his mind. Quick thinking saved him and thus all things related. He seeks refuge in the mine, treats his wounds, and the way he Thanks Allah after eating that measly food, (the snake) and the water dripping down the cave wall, was epic.
God is everywhere for everyone, but only the chosen ones can see. He did remind me of King Bruce of Scotland who gathered his courage from a spider. When defeated and lost everything.
In grand things of His plans, only a man with faith, character, discipline, hard work, and loyal friends can achieve what Kurlos Ossoman did. We must appreciate Mehmat Buzdaak and his team of writers for showing the struggles he went through. Nothing comes easily in life. The bigger the goals, the bigger the price.
Another important factor that caught my eye was the character depiction of the traitor, Wazir Elishah. A contrast of character we see more in Muslim history. A cunning, conniving, plotter and power hungry selfish man in the role of Wazir Elishah who will eventually fall down because a brave man of faith, who only thinks about his nation never fails. Men like Osman go through hard ships of betrayal and temporary set backs by selfish people but in the end, victory belongs to them.
One who conquers NFAS, conquers all. Wazir Elisha is not stupid but since his motives are selfish, he will get nothing but shame. Lesson of ummah is to use your talent for the uplift of all. When we all work together, we attract more people in persute of greater goodness. When we want only personal gains, even our friends leave us. That’s how Osman is gaining more support from Cosses and soon we will see Cunar joining him too.
I must not forget another twist in the story. Gundoz and Aisha helping Wazir in his plan to handover Marie to Nikola. Gundoz has good intentions but made a very bad choice. A real leader has to keep his wits about. That’s what Osman is. Wisdom does not come with age. He was youngest of three and built an empire over 4 continents. He had a very wise head on his shoulders, a heart of gold and nerves of steal.
What a pleasure to watch history made in 11th /12th centuries as if it’s happening now. Or maybe it will.
Written by: Romana Nisar.
Kurulus Osman
Kurulus Osman Episode 77 Review
Rating: A
The latest instalment of Kurulus Osman was yet another top episode if you only care about entertainment. With a continuation of the cruelty and greed of Alemsha a main theme in this episode. Additionally, Osman continued his so called “rebellious” ways and we also witnessed the beginning of a story arc for a huge name in the foundation of the Ottoman empire.
The first key moment in the episode was when Sheik Edebali was arrested. Imprisoned for aiding Osman, Edebali was brutally taken away into the dungeons. The man responsible for making Edebali speak was Cellali. His introduction was amazing, down one side of his face was series of scars and in his hand was a whip. This is the sort of character that tends to get killed off quickly, but I just hope they keep him a little longer. In the dungeon one of the ahis who, always show tremendous love and compassion for Sheik Edebali, stepped in front and faced the torment bravely so that no harm would occur to his Sheyk. After ruthlessly disposing of him Cellali turned his attention towards Edebali. No way was he about to torture arguably the holiest man in the entire region. He couldn’t so such a thing! Mercilessly, he began the motion to whip when a hand stopped him. It was the Tall sturdy Konur that had prevented any harm occurring to the Sheik.
This Scene I think began Konurs arc and eventually he will side with Osman. “Why are you in the devils lair son”. Edebali told Konur. The very first time we see him his incredible respect for Edebali is obvious when, he respectfully folded the mats that he and the vizier were using in the lodge. I personally absolutely love Konur Alp, his intimidating physical presence alongside the genuinely badass portrayal of the character by Berk Ercer, is in my opinion perfect for a famous warrior like Konur. It’s a step in the right direction by producers as they continue to bring more historically relevant characters to the show. I can’t wait for Konur to stand beside Osman later in the show.
Throughout the Episode, it was Shown that Osman wanted to take some sort of vengeance for what had happened recently. He began so ruthlessly. Gunduz was sat on his chair clearly struggling, on one hand he is trying his best for his tribe and his intentions are pure but on the contrary, he is guilt ridden, accused of treachery. I don’t like what they have done with Gunduz at all. For most of the show, they made him irrelevant and useless and now suddenly, they gave him the most extreme storyline possible. Gunduz has always been portrayed as naive from the beginning. In Dirilis Ertugrul we witnessed him tricked into making income from usury, but this is a whole new level. I mean its Gunduz we are talking about the one who stood by Osman for his entire life. The scene was dark as Osman walked in enraged with what had unfolded recently. He instantly took the bow, a symbolic weapon that brought back the horrors of Dündar. Then he proceeded to slap his older brother. “I am afraid your end will be like our uncles” Osman told Gunduz. This scene was powerful and tense we could tell Osman Bey was in no mood to talk as he left his mark on Gunduz.
Koses finally approved Mari’s wedding with Turgut, and this wedding was a nice break from the tense episode. Due to utter hatred for Nikola and a burning fire for revenge, Koses has now teamed up with Osman as they both formed an alliance that will look to end the alliance of Nikola and Alemsha. Historically Koses reverts to Islam and is another key personality in the establishment of Osmans empire. I hope we get to see Koses and Osman together more often eventually leading to his reversion. The scales of power have been changed in between the byzantine landlords as Rogatus and Koses conspire to take down Nikola. Nikola in attempting to kill Mari, Paved the way for his own end and to be fair I think its time to put an end to his promising but lacklustre reign as Osmans main enemy.
Osman was helped into the Bilecik where, a new trade bazaar was being setup, by koses where he waited for the vizier in his room. “For every Cruel there is an Osman”. I hated this line. The amount of arrogance and pride that was given off in this one line was just not acceptable. Osman bey was meant to be a compassionate, merciful and just ruler but so far with Buraks portrayal of the character, all we see is excessive Self obsession and arrogance. Moving on to the confrontation with alemsha. Again, I was not impressed. Just before we had witnessed an extremely well carried out confrontation but now this. The whole Scene was awkward until the end. Osman unsheathed his so called “Justice sword” and placed it on the vizier’s neck. Hunched over in fear, Alemsha Could hardly move as the fear of death rendered him speechless.
The next episode promises to be just as good, and I hope the streak of good episodes is continued. I am intrigued to see the outcome of the feud Between Nikola and Koses as well as the continuation of Konurs story arc. Slowly but surely, this show is beginning to deliver the of quality of entertainment we were accustomed to in Dirilis Ertugrul. The plot is a lot better than season two and were beginning to see more historical characters. I just hope that this level remains consistent.
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