Welcome to the realm of historical drama aficionados! Our journey through the captivating Ottoman era continues with the latest installment of the enthralling series, “Mehmed Fetihler...
La historia de Salahuddin Ayyubi Capitulo 19, un nombre que resuena con coraje y astucia táctica, es una que ha dejado una huella indeleble en las...
As the churning wheels of history spin tales of valor and conquest, the saga of Salahuddin Ayyubi Episode 19 stands as a timeless testament to courage...
En este blog post, vamos a hablar sobre el capítulo 116 de la popular serie Payitaht AbdulHamid Capitulo 116. En este episodio, la trama continúa desarrollándose...
Bienvenidos al blog oficial de KayiFamilyTV.com, donde podrás mantenerte al tanto de las últimas novedades sobre la exitosa serie de televisión “Payitaht AbdulHamid” Capitulo 115. En...
Welcome to the realm of the invincible Kayi tribe, where legends carve their tales into the annals of history and heroes rise from the echoes of...
Bienvenidos, amantes de las intrigas imperiales y las hazañas de valientes guerreros, al análisis exhaustivo del capítulo 154 de “Kuruluş: Osman”. Este episodio no es solo...
En el quinto capítulo de Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Capitulo 5, la emocionante historia del legendario conquistador continúa cautivando a los espectadores. En este episodio, Mehmed El...
Welcome to the riveting world of Ottoman drama, where history and fiction blend to create captivating narratives that transport viewers back to the grandeur and intrigue...
En las páginas de la historia, pocas figuras resuenan con tanto eco como Salahuddin Ayyubi Capitulo 18, el legendario sultán kurdo que hizo temblar los cimientos...
As Salamu Alaykum / Hello Dear Sisters and Brothers.
As you are aware we provide the subtitles for the series Salahuddin Ayyubi, Mehmed Fetihler Sultani and Kurulus Osman. Our journey started with Payitaht AbdulHamid season 2. Since that time we are making substantial efforts for many programs, series, videos, articles, poems...
We are not just a TV series site. You can find articles, political articles, videos, poems... However, we must stop some of our services because of our financial situation.
Except for the hosting and video hosting costs, for the 3 series we currently translate, our monthly cost is: $800
Your donations are a tremendous support and help and this is the only reason that we continue our service and our life.
All our team are from Turkiye. We don’t use Google translate service. We don’t steal Arabic subtitles and translate it automatically. Our team listens and then translates, we do not have any scripts to work from. For that reason, you can watch the series with parts while you continue to watch TV. Because we don’t have the script, sometimes mistakes can happen which is normal because we translate a 2,5-hour episode in 3-4 hours.
First of all Allah’s Help and then with your help we will continue to translate not just series but also videos, poems. I give you good news. We also started to translate a book. InşaAllah in 3-4 months it will be ready for launch. It’s about all of Ottoman Padishahs. Some important incidents from their life. If you want to put a brick to our goal you can donate us from the link below. EyvAllah!
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