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Necip Fazil KISAKUREK meets Hadhrat AbdulHakim Arvasi (Kuddise Sirruh)

Who is AbdulHakim Arvasi?

Arvasi was born in the village of Arvas (present-day Doğanyayla).[1]

Arvasi lived in the times of the late Ottoman Empire and the early Republic of Turkey. He was one of the most profound Islamic scholars of his time and a mujtahid. Arvasi was a descendant of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and hence he had the title sayyed (seyyid in Turkish) before his name. He is the 33rd sheikh of the Naqshbandi order.[2] He was born in Van,[3] Turkey. He received religious education from the famous scholar and walî Seyyid Fehim-i Arvasi. He was deeply learned in many worldly and religious sciences such as: natural sciences, hadith, tafsir and tasawwuf. Arvasi taught in Van for 30 years after which he moved to Istanbul as the Russian Army had invaded the eastern part of the country.[4] Arvasi taught in various madrasas and mosques of Istanbul for many years. One of his most famous students was Necip Fazıl Kısakürek.[5] Arvasi died in Ankara in 1943[2] after decades of teaching of Islam. He is buried in Baglum Cemetery, Ankara. (Source)

Who is Necip Fazıl Kısakürek?

In his own words, he was born in “a huge mansion in Çemberlitaş, on one of the streets descending towards Sultanahmet” in 1904. His father was Abdülbaki Fazıl Bey who held several posts including deputy judge in Bursa, public prosecutor in Gebze and finally, judge in Kadıköy. His mother was an emigree from Crete. He was raised at the Çemberlitaş mansion of his paternal grandfather Kısakürekzade Mehmed Hilmi Efendi of Maraş; he was named after his great-grandfather Ahmed Necib, as well as his father, Fazıl.

He studied in many schools during his primary education, including the French School in Gedikpaşa, Robert College of Istanbul, as well as the Naval School. He received religious courses from Ahmed Hamdi of Akseki and science courses from Yahya Kemal at the Naval School but he was actually influenced by İbrahim Aşkî, whom he defined to have “penetrated into deep and private areas in many inner and outer sciences from literature and philosophy to mathematics and physics”. İbrahim Aşkî provided his first contact with Sufism even at a “plan of skin over skin”. “After completing candidate and combat classes” of Naval School, Kısakürek entered the Philosophy Department of Darülfünûn and graduated from there (1921–1924). One of his closest friends in philosophy was Hasan Ali Yücel.

He studied in Paris for one year with the scholarship provided by the Ministry of National Education (1924–1925), until the scholarship was cancelled. After returning home in 1926, he worked at Holland, Osmanlı and İş Banks (1926–1939), and gave lectures at the Faculty of Linguistics and History and Geography and the State Conservatoire in Ankara and the Academy of Fine Arts in İstanbul (1939–1942). Having established a relation with the press in his youth, Kısakürek quit civil service to earn his living from writing and magazines.

Necip Fazıl’s life took a turn in 1934, when he met Abdülhakim Arvasi, a sheik of the Sufi Naqshbandi order. He became one of his most notable disciples,[6] remaining a follower until the sheik’s death in 1943.[7]

Appropriating his anti-semitic ideas from Europe, Kısakürek regarded Jews as the corrupting element within Western civilization, and described them as the originator of Marxism and capitalism.[4] He held them responsible for the early conflicts between Muslims and the decline of the Ottoman Empire.[5] Kısakürek’s publications included the Turkish translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and praise for Henry Ford’s The International Jew, as well as a political program in which he wrote: “Chief among these treacherous and insidious elements to be cleansed are the Dönmes and the Jews.”[8][9] Necip Fazıl was awarded the First Prize of C.H.P. Play Contest in 1947 with his play Sabır Taşı (Stone of Patience). Kısakürek was awarded the titles of “Great Cultural Gift” by the Ministry of Culture (25 May 1980) and “Greatest Living Poet of Turkish” by the Foundation of Turkish Literature upon the 75th anniversary of his birth.

Necip Fazıl Kısakürek died on 25 May 1983 in his house at Erenköy after an illness that “lasted long but did not impair his intellectual activity and writing” and was buried in the graveyard at the Eyüp Cemetery on the ridge of Eyüp after an eventful funeral. (Source)





Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Zikr Scene



Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 7 Zikr Scene


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Interview with Gassal Woman (Dead Body Bather Woman)

”I do not understand… Why are they afraid of me? Fear the incoming Azrael.
Let us fear the answers we will give to my Allah.But they are afraid of me.”
”I am not afraid of death but I am afraid of my deeds.”

One of the most important video on KayiFamilyTV site. Please watch until end and imagine your death!




Original Content Belongs to Yer6Film


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Heredot Cevdet Hour – Sultan AbdulHamid



Heredot Cevdet Hour – Sultan AbdulHamid.

Herodot Cevdet, whose nickname was taken from the famous historian Herodotus, describes the assassination attempt on Sultan AbdulHamid Khan in this chapter with his unique narrative style.

Herodotus Cevdet, who set out with the motto “Those who do not learn a lesson from history, become a lesson in history for others”, is on with English subtitles of the stories he tells in his unique style.

“I exaggerate; because I want to be understood.” Franz Kafka.

Heredot Cevdet Hour – Sultan AbdulHamid.



Prayer of Sultan AbdulHamid.


My Allah, I don’t give my pardon in this world and Qiamah to those who make my nation suffer, not me! For me, if they tore me apart, ruptured my flesh with tweezers, burned my palace, destroyed my family, destroyed my dynasty, killed my children in front of my eyes, I would give my pardon in this world and Qiamah, but for the reason of me following my Beloved (SalAllahu Aleyhi and Sallem)’s way, I don’t give my pardon in this world and Qiamah to those who made my nation and I suffer.
My Allah! My Allah Whom I give my life for HIS Sacred names!

O AL-‘ADL! (The Utterly Just)

YOU are making Armenians who call me as “Red Sultan” and do their best to overthrow me be rended by those who have overthrown me! Who knows YOU will make hangmen be rended by whom?

But, O AR-RAHMAAN (The Most or Entirely Merciful)

If YOU appear with YOUR justice, we will all be ashes! Pity us! Appear for the nation who is in this situation because they lost the Messenger, the Beloved, the Master of the Universe’s light with YOUR grace, goodness, favour.

O AL-QADEER! (The Capable, The Powerful)

It can be only with YOUR power to make the carrion crow which took the baby into his beak fall and save the baby. Save my nation who is like the baby in the beak of the carrion crow, my Allah!

O MA’BUD! (Worshipped)

I can’t remember missing a fardh prayer in my life! But I can’t find the force to argue that this is my only time for prayer! Rather than bending over YOU, I’m stiffening and rather than passing away, I’m squirming in my bed! Forgive this servant who cannot worship YOU, my Allah! If I was able to remember YOU, YOUR Messenger(SAW) just for once in my reign that lasted for years as much as my rosary beads, accept my prayer for the sake of that moment.

O SUBHAN! (Praise, Glory)

Do not refuse this old man’s prayer who, on the Day of Judgment, will beg like “my nation, my nation!” at the foot of the Beloved, who are begging like “my Ummah, my Ummah!” now with these shaky hands! Save my nation from the false rescuers and fake salvations that led them to the destruction with the death without “Ba’u ba’de’l-mevt”(The Truth of Resurrection after death); And bestow them the rescuers who will come one day, true salvation!

I have no hope for prosperity that I can have in this world now. At least, don’t bring me disaster anymore, my Allah! I feel fatigued! When will I die, my Allah?

From the Book, Necip Fazıl KISAKÜREK’s ”Ulu Hakan AbdulHamid Han”

Ulu Hakan AbdulHamid Han




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