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Kurulus Osman ESPAÑOL




KURULUS OSMAN EPISODIO 57 con subtítulos en español. Kurulus Osman Temporada 2 Episodio 30 con subtítulos en español

Togay obtiene lo que quiere después de que Osman Bey eche al mensajero de los mongoles que quería hacerle pagar impuestos. Este movimiento de Osman Bey, que es consciente de que no hay punto de retorno, se escucha incluso en el Seljuq. El sultán de Seljuq llama a Osman Bey a la ciudad capital para castigarlo y deshacerse del furor de los mongoles. Nikola, que se enteró de que Osman Bey se negó a pagar impuestos a los mongoles por parte de su espía en la tribu, aprovecha la guerra entre mongoles y turcos y toma medidas para aumentar su influencia en la zona fronteriza.


Los sueños de Cerkutay se hacen realidad y Sheikh Edebali lo ayuda a convertirse en musulmán. Umur Bey decide luchar contra Togay y Osman Bey está preocupado por el plan que hizo y se opone a esta decisión. El jeque Edebali le dice a Osman Bey que debería casarse con Malhun Hatun para recibir el apoyo de Umur Bey y hacer que todas las tribus turcas se unan.

¿Qué pasará en la zona fronteriza después de que Osman Bey desafíe a los mongoles? ¿Qué pasará con Osman Bey en la ciudad capital de Seljuq? ¿Cómo reaccionará Togay ante la decisión de Osman Bey de no pagar impuestos? ¿Cómo aprovechará Nikola la pelea entre turcos y mongoles? ¿Osman Bey podrá disuadir a Umur Bey de atacar a Togay? ¿Qué responderá Osman Bey al consejo del jeque Edebali sobre casarse con Malhun Hatun? ¿Cómo reaccionará Bala Hatun al consejo de su padre?



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Kurulus Osman Capitulo 156



¡Bienvenidos a nuestro blog sobre la serie Kurulus Osman Capitulo 156! En esta ocasión, nos adentramos en el emocionante Capítulo 156 de esta apasionante historia llena de acción, intriga y lealtad. En este episodio, titulado “KayiFamilyTV BazarKayi”, seguiremos de cerca las emocionantes aventuras de Osman, el valiente líder de la tribu Kayi, mientras lucha por proteger a su pueblo y defender su honor.

Kurulus Osman Capitulo 156


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Kurulus Osman Capitulo 155



¡Bienvenidos a nuestro blog sobre la serie Kurulus Osman Capitulo 155! En esta ocasión, nos adentramos en el emocionante Capítulo 155 de esta apasionante historia llena de acción, intriga y lealtad. En este episodio, titulado “KayiFamilyTV BazarKayi”, seguiremos de cerca las emocionantes aventuras de Osman, el valiente líder de la tribu Kayi, mientras lucha por proteger a su pueblo y defender su honor. Además, en esta entrada también hablaremos sobre la importancia de los subtítulos en español para poder disfrutar al máximo de cada detalle y emoción que nos transmiten los personajes y la trama de Kurulus Osman. ¡Prepárense para una nueva dosis de emoción y drama con el Capítulo 155! ¡No se lo pueden perder!Disfruta del Capitulo 155 de Kurulus Osman con subtítulos en Español en KayiFamilyTV BazarKayi. Únete a la emocionante historia de la familia Kayi.

Kurulus Osman Capitulo 155



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Kurulus Osman Capitulo 154



Bienvenidos, amantes de las intrigas imperiales y las hazañas de valientes guerreros, al análisis exhaustivo del capítulo 154 de “Kuruluş: Osman”. Este episodio no es solo uno más de la serie, sino una pieza clave que promete dejar una huella indeleble en todos sus seguidores. En esta entrada de blog, nos embarcaremos en un viaje a través de los intensos momentos que este capítulo tiene para ofrecer. Abordaremos desde la perspectiva de la icónica emisora KayiFamilyTV hasta las opiniones en BazarKayi, sin pasar por alto los tan anhelados subtítulos en español que nos permiten conectar con cada diálogo y emoción de la temporada 5, capítulo 24. Prepárate para sumergirte en la profundidad de los detalles, las estrategias y las pasiones que este capítulo despliega, mientras te guiamos a través de “Kuruluş: Osman” y su universo, donde la historia cobra vida ante nuestros ojos.Disfruta del Capítulo 154 de Kurulus Osman con subtítulos en español. Temporada 5, Episodio 24 completo en KayiFamilyTV y BazarKayi.

Kurulus Osman Capitulo 154


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As Salamu Alaikum / Hello

As you will already be aware, we are the team that works to produce the subtitles for many of the of Turkish dramas that have been serialised but with the exception of Mevlana Season 1, Hay Sultan, Ibn-i Sina, Mehmetcik and The Last Day. We did not work on these series, translations, but you can see who has. We give credit to them, because we are not thieves, and know what effort it takes. So, apart from those series on our website, all other series are translated by us. Some with KayiFamilyTV name, some without ‘TV’.


At this point some ''weak minds'' can say ''but you steal from ATV and TRT''. Yes, there are people who say this to us. It’s an honour for us because they compare us with billion-dollar companies :)
Rest assured if we bought the copyright with a billion $, then I would not be writing this message and you would not be reading it. Having said that, if we did have the copyrights, then I wouldn’t care who stole because at that point we need to think big and about the bigger picture, however we are small players.


So now that we have separated the Elephants from the Ants, let us continue to the point of this message;
As you will notice there are no ads on the website. We tried with some companies, but this did not cover the running costs. We do not want to show you improper or unbefitting ads. Be sure that if we want, we can add ads to the entire site and videos and we can earn more income. But we don’t want to earn in this manner.


As I mentioned at the beginning, we are the subtitle providers. These subtitles and translating takes around 3-4 hours. Normally it’s not possible to complete this in such a short timescale…. If you want to check, by all means you can do so… You can ask some of the on-line translators using various platforms, such as google and find Turkish Translators. There are so many and ask them to translate a 2,5 hour series in 4 hours. Their reaction will simply be ''are you kidding?'' Please test it. Check google ''translatorcafe'' you will see so many translators on that platform.


Our efforts are relentlessly stolen by so many sites. Some even ask donations for Gaza. Interesting, isn’t it? They steal our work and, in the meantime, want to help Gaza. Merciful thieves? Your decision. Be careful, hyenas wear sheepskins.


My promise at this point, If it was only my effort then no problem. I give my pardon to all our viewers and audience. However, it’s not just me. They steal our team effort. So, I will ask Allah for our team right after death. When death knocks on our door there will be no lies ALHAMDULILLAH. Noone can steal anything ALHAMDULILLAH. All truths will be revealed ALHAMDULILLAH. I will ask our right form Allah from people who steal our team effort. This message will shake hearts of the people who have a little conscience in their heart. I thought they will maybe contact us during Ramadan at least but no...


Now my real message to the people who want to partner with KayiFamilyTV. We have no ads income anymore. Our only income is the donations. Those donations are already used to maintain and host the website. We must need a minimum of $220 weekly for just translation costs (Please note and pay attention this is not monthly but weekly as we make payments to our translators weekly.) Besides that, there are still site, player, internet costs etc. We also have a life. Some people think we live in a cave so no need to pay rent. We feed ourselves with stones and leaves and there is no need for kitchen costs. Our water comes from the skies and the electricity comes from underground so no need to pay any bills. Yes, we have life costs too, this was covered through the revenue generated from the ads, however there is no longer that revenue. I personally pay the translation costs from my own pocket since the last 2 weeks. As you can appreciate, I cannot do this indefinitely.


At this point we are offering people who want to advertise their company/brand on our site. You will have 2 benefits:
Firstly, over one million people as our audience will see your company and your company name will stay within the minds of millions.
Secondly, you will help our service continue. Because if we stop translating, automatically so many sites will stop too. You know why ;)


If you want to advertise, or see the analytics of our site, you can contact on:

Mail: [email protected]   or [email protected]



We are also looking for volunteers to manage our social media platforms, youtube, if you are interested and think you are capable, please contact us. EyvAllah!